Until Religion Develops Doctrine about Honesty in Government, Based on the Exodus and Escaping Pharaoh, Do Not Turn Your Weapons into Plowshares!
If your church is not studying to be against Orwellian tyranny,
it is Orwellian tyranny!
Why Do People Avoid “Being-Like-Jesus”
as He Was in Matthew Chapter 23?
“It seems that so many have completely missed Matthew 23. Are we not supposed to look at those same things concerning religious officials now? Is Matthew 23 where we draw the line and stop following Jesus? Maybe the reason “Church” has become so irrelevant, weak, and powerless is because its members do not do what Jesus did. Instead, “Church” has become not much more than a cash cow for its officials. Seriously! Now is the time to ask yourself more than ever, ‘What would Jesus do?'” – Gary Williams(Special thanks to Gary Williams of Farmington, NM for his perspecitive! lol!)
Legions of Judeo-Christian Despots Owe Much to Judeo-Christian “Religious Officials.”
Yes, the Bible has many attractive features like wisdom, spellbinding drama, accurate history, and eternal Promises because of Jesus’s Passion on the Cross. However, both the Bible and Judeo-Christian “ministry” have been plagued with a seemingly everlasting inability to address and deal with the coveting and stealing that “rulers” have done by means of “government” being in cahoots with “religion.”
The Commandments against coveting, stealing, and the bearing of false witness (i.e. the Commandments against dishonesty) are especially important because they detail the temporal character of honesty that God meant for the “Promised Land” to have, a character that was intended to eventually convey the Gospel in the most vibrant way by building honesty upon honesty.
Sadly, the conveyance of the Gospel’s message has often been made ineffective by “ministry” dishonestly elevating a paradigm of authority-over-honesty, a paradigm that has often even determined it proper to use tyrannical force to expand the reigns of both Judeo-Christian “rulers” and their cooperative Judeo-Christian “religious officials.”
Oh how the Gospel message and the “Promised Land” of Judeo-Christianity have been sabotaged by “religion” that aids “rulers” in both government and religion to slyly seek adulation, praise, and power by the easiest means available!
Most everyone has generally agreed that the Commandments against coveting, stealing, and the bearing of false witness are clear. They have been clear though for the little observed but very key reason that these Commandments came about BEFORE the Levites were able to cement their “authority” as Israel’s official and authoritative “Priesthood,” a “Priesthood” which would eventually both choose and edit many Scriptures to their liking of authority-over-honesty.
It is important to keep the Levites’ cunning in mind for two reasons. First, the Levites were who originally planted and wove many “traditions” into both Scripture and “ministry.” “Traditions” of “ministry” have slyly embellished and elevated “authority” while also kicking-to-the-curb, as much as possible, any application of the Commandments against coveting, stealing, and the bearing of false witness to “religion” and “government” acting together in cahoots as “Establishment.” Secondly, the Levites were previously cursed for their evil and cruelty, as detailed in Genesis 49:5-7. The Levites’ evil and cruel nature seems to have been a feature that went with them into the “Priesthood” and has since made way for much of the despotism that has flourished throughout Judeo-Christianity.
Indeed, prophets have been repeatedly called upon to “fix” what the Levites have deceitfully sown into the Bible and practically all “ministry.” Not even events like the Magna Carta, the Reformation, and the American Revolution have effectively countered the Levites’ deceitful “authority-over-honesty” paradigm which still reigns through Scripture and “ministry” to infect modern “church.”
It is no wonder that Jesus had no “religious officials” in his close circles! For the sake of an Honest Promised Land that seeks first to place honesty into both its government and religion as means to then most vibrantly begin telling the Gospel message, be like Jesus!
To “those who have ears to hear,” the Bible itself needs a great reexamination to rid it of the “authority-over-honesty” paradigm which could only have been planted by the “traditions” of sly “religious officials.”
Starting with his early studies of the card game poker, Dr. Frank R. Wallace has arguably analyzed and extrapolated better on the subject of “honesty” in his publications than what the Bible and “ministry” have ever done in comparison. Add then to Wallace’s writings other notably famous and legendary works by both George Orwell and Ayn Rand. The startling result is arriving to see the Bible as containing a Levitical scheme which has been repeatedly played as a winning hand of poker by “rulers” in both religion and government who have colluded as “Establishment” ever since the epic Books of Exodus and Numbers.
“THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING!” Do not discount the continued fallout into present-day “ministry” of (1) the curse that fell upon the Levites in Genesis 49:5-7 or (2) the Levites remaining evil and slyly cruel as a “Priesthood.” Not even more modern events like the Magna Carta, the Reformation, and the American Revolution have effectively countered the Levites’ deceitful “authority-over-honesty” paradigm which still reigns through Scripture and “ministry” to infect modern “church.” Levitically inspired “traditions” that place “religion” and its “officials” as spiritual hubs of societal “Establishment” still produce much sly collusion between religion and government.
Beware and make mindful note. It has been “religious officials” who have had eons of time to “tweak” the Bible, starting with the Levites and their impacts on the Old Testament as well as the nearly three centuries that lead up to the New Testament. Beginning with the Levites, “religious officials” have been cunning, unprincipled, and slyly hypocritical in their Orwellian “ministries” that have treacherously elevated “authority-over-honesty” to support “legions” of oppression.
You gain Authority when you question and research.
“Somehow” that is not emphasized by bureaucratic
“Priests” in their “doctrine” on authority.
See Behind the Curtains!
Wikileaks could include and investigate “religious authority”
as a dishonest “protector of political security.”